Your financial gifts make possible the life-changing ministries of Fort Caroline Baptist Church! Thank you for your generous support of the Lord's work here in Jacksonville and around the world. Here are four convenient ways to give:
1. Give on Sundays at FCBC.
You can give on Sunday using the offering envelopes mailed to your home. You can also use one of the envelopes found in the pocket on the back of the chairs. Simply complete the information on the envelope and drop it in the offering plate as it is passed.
2. Give by mailing your gift during the week.
You can mail your offering in your giving envelope to the church office. Mail to:
Fort Caroline Baptist Church
11428 McCormick Road
Jacksonville, FL 32225
3. Bill Pay Option on your personal bank account.
Use your bank's bill pay service and follow your institution's instructions to have your donation mailed directly to Fort Caroline Baptist Church. Use your church assigned envelope number as your account number. Mail to:
Fort Caroline Baptist Church
11428 McCormick Road
Jacksonville, FL 32225
4. Give through the E-giving Option.
The e-giving option is a flexible giving option that allows you to set up one-time or periodic gifts to Fort Caroline Baptist Church. You can visit the site directly at www.givetofcbc.com or link thru our website at www.fcbcjax.com. Use your assigned envelope number as your ID.