“While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich
people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and
dropped in two small coins. ‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus said, ‘this poor
widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part
of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.””
(Luke 21:1–4, NLT)
The story of this widow teaches us several lessons for our
“A Time to Build” Campaign.
First, she demonstrates that we are never too poor to give.
Some people give out of their riches and never really miss what they give.
Their gifts are not sacrificial at all. This woman gave everything. It was a
true sacrifice. She felt it. Yet she gave willingly. She did not sit on the
sidelines. She worshipped through giving even though it cost her everything. I
am trusting that you will not sit on the sidelines and watch others give and
sacrifice for Christ’s work through His church. Follow the example of this
widow Jesus commended and give what you can. Jesus will be honored.
A second lesson is that no gift is too small when given to
God out of a right spirit. God is not looking at the amount as much as he is at
our attitude. Sometimes we buy into the enemy’s lie that if we cannot do
everything we want to do then we should do nothing at all. Some people are probably
thinking right now, “If I cannot give as much money to this campaign as I would
like then I'm not going to give at all. I will put it off. I will do it later.
Maybe one day.” This precious lady teaches us to take advantage of the
opportunities we have now to give what we can. Jesus is honored when we give
with a spirit of worship and gratitude.
The third lesson from this passage is that Jesus watches
what we give. Jesus intently watched the people as they gave their financial
gifts in the Temple. I remind people regularly that I as a pastor I do not know
the amount individuals give. I believe giving is between them and God. However,
someone more important than the pastor watches our giving. Jesus still observes
when we give, what we give, and how we give. Make no mistake; Jesus will take
note of what you do in this matter. I pray that he will find each of us
faithful this weekend to do what he has led us to do.
“A Time To Build” Commitment Sunday
- November
10, 2013 in all three worship services
- Bring a
cash offering for the building fund over and above your regular church giving.
- Make a
36-month commitment to the building fund.
- “Equal
sacrifices, not equal gifts.”