"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they know me" (John 10:27) ESV).
A strange thing has happened since I became friends with author, Geoff Shattock. I hear his voice in my head when I read his book, "Jesus and the Racing Rat". His beautiful British accent rings in my mind as I read the words he penned. It is as if he is reading the book to me. The more I get to know Geoff, the more I hear his voice coming from the pages of his book. And the more I know his book, the more I know his voice when I hear it. I am learning to think how he thinks.
It reminds me that the more time I spend with God in prayer and in reading his Word, the more attuned to his voice I become. It has been said, "The more you know the Word of God, the more you will know the God of the Word." I hope you will spend time today getting to know God through his Word. Allow
Him to speak to you today.