Great things are always happening at Fort Caroline Baptist Church. We want to keep you informed and involved. Here are the top 10 ways we try to do that. I would love to hear your ideas for improving or adding to these methods.
- Our Church Website. Our church website,, is filled with useful information for members and guests alike. You will find here the latest announcements, sermons, an on-line giving link, ministry activities, a church calendar, staff contact information, resources, forms and policies, and much more.
- Weekly Worship Guide. The worship guide (bulletin) is distributed to everyone who attends our weekend services. You can pick one up from the friendly greeters at the doors. The bulletins include the latest announcements, a list of the day's worship songs, the list of key volunteers who are serving, sermon notes, instructions on how to become a member of the church, and a Communication Card. The Communication Card is a tool for guest registration, prayer requests, and class/activities sign-up form. We also use the card to give people a way to indicate the spiritual commitments God leads them to make that day (trusting Christ for salvation, baptism, church membership, etc). Feel free to complete a Communication Card as appropriate and place it in the offering plate when it is passed down your row.
- Weekly e-Newsletter. Our office sends out an electronic newsletter near the end of each week to inform you of exciting events and opportunities coming up that weekend. The e-Newsletter is brief, but informative. Don't miss it! Contact Sheila Barber at [email protected] and tell her you want to receive the weekly e-News.
- Monthly Newsletter. The monthly newsletter is filled with articles and announcements from your staff and ministry leaders. It includes a monthly calendar of major events and services. You can also keep up with how your church is doing in attendance and finances. The monthly newsletter is sent directly to your in-box. (We make printed copies available to home-bound adults and others without access to a computer.) Contact Sheila Barber at [email protected] if you did not receive the February 2012 edition of the monthly newsletter.
- facebook. It seems like everyone is on facebook these days! Did you know your church has a facebook page? The staff and I post announcements, updates, prayer requests, etc. Facebook is a great place to interact with other church members. Visit us today on facebook and be sure to "Like" us!
- My blog. You are reading this on my blog, so I am positive that you visit "Life Matters" every day! I have not always been as consistent as I should in posting to my blog. I have been a little negligent during the holidays. I vow to do better. You never know what you will find here, but I try to post things that will speak into your life as you live for Christ. Marriage, finances, book reviews, sermons, my (humble, but always correct) opinions, thoughts on church and trends, are just a few of the things I have blogged about in the past. I am open to your ideas of topics you would like to see me address. Comment below and let me know!
- Twitter. Follow me on twitter @pastorrickyp. I do not tweet every move I make, but I do like to give you a glimpse into what I am doing or thinking at times.
- Church Worship Announcements. From time to time we will make announcements in the worship services about upcoming events. Most of the announcements are printed in your bulletin. At times we display them on the screens prior to each service. It is impossible to verbally make all the announcements that people want me to make in the limited time we have on Sunday mornings. Besides, I don't have the spiritual gift of announcements. Read my previous post on my philosophy of church announcements here.
- Word of Mouth/Networking. There is power in social networking. We encourage everyone to invite their family and friends to church activities and services. We discovered that 80% of the first-time guests to our church came because one of their family members or friends invited them! Use facebook to invite others to our church. E-mail your friends about a class or message series that might benefit them. Encourage them to join you in your LifeGroup. Speak positively about how the church is impacting your life, family, marriage, relationship with God, or your understanding of Scripture.
- A Personal Visit From the Pastor. Well, on second thought, that won't work. I wish I could visit every member of our church in their home. I wish I could visit every member at Starbucks for coffee. But we have over 2,000 members now and even I cannot drink that much coffee! So help me think of how we can improve our communication to you. Drop me a note below. After all, true communication is a two-way street!