I am leaving for Haiti on Monday morning with a team of eleven others from our church. We will return on August 8. I will not be able to blog while I am away. (I know...your day will not be the same without my pearls of wisdom!) But I will have a lot to share when I return.
Please pray for us as we travel and as we minister. We will share Christ's love with the children of the Cabaret Baptist Orphanage. We will also help in construction efforts. I am praying that Christ will be glorified in us and through us. Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip possible. The members of our church donated thousands of dollars, and donated over 1,200 pounds of supplies. People outside our church gave financially and in prayers.
Let us remember that we are all missionaries. God had only one Son, and He made Him a missionary. Jesus Christ came to us to rescue us from sin and to give us life with the Father. He also sends us out. He said that even as the Father sent Him, so He sends us. A missionary is not just one who crosses the sea. You can cross the street and be a missionary. Let us each resolve to live "on-mission" with our Savior. There is a world around us that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. How can you show the love of Christ to someone today? Will you be sensitive to opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with someone today? Will you pray for someone close to you who needs the Lord? Will you support your church's efforts to reach our community with the Gospel? Let me also encourage you to attend worship next Sunday. The last sermon in the series "God of This City" will be from 1 Corinthians 9 about changing methods and the unchanging message. Every member of our church needs to hear this sermon so we can be unified in our efforts to reach this city for Christ. If you have ever wondered why some things around the church have changed (and will continue to change), if you have ever questioned why we do certain things as opposed to others, and if you have ever questioned whether it is biblical to change methods when trying to reach certain groups of people, then you need to hear what God's Word says. I know it is the summer, but make every effort to be in worship and in a Life Group.
Do you know how much I love you? I am so honored to be your pastor and friend. Thank you for all you do for the Lord!