The young lady had never attended ANY church until she came to Fort Caroline Baptist Church a few weeks ago. She really did not want to be here, but she came at the invitation of friends who are members of the church. She was apprehensive at first, not knowing what to expect. “Will people judge me? What do they do in church? What if I don’t like it?” She said as she sat in the worship service she found her heart strangely warmed. The people were friendly. The music moved her. The message spoke to her in a way she could understand. Tears welled up in her eyes. She could not explain what she was feeling. Her husband leaned over and whispered in her ear, “That’s the Lord you feel.” She has since trusted Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized on April 17 along with five other people! There are tears in my eyes as I write these words and think about the many lives being changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for being such a caring congregation. Thank you for living as missionaries in your community, reaching and relating to people who need Jesus. Thank you for following my leadership as your pastor. God is blessing our congregation in unprecedented ways! More people are attending worship than ever before! We have baptized more people than ever before! We are breaking record attendance in LifeGroups! During the worst economic recession since the Great Depression you have given record amounts of money to fund life-changing ministries and mission efforts! Not a week goes by that I do not hear from someone who says God has changed their life since discovering Fort Caroline Baptist Church. Thank you for all you do and for all you sacrifice to help people come to Christ.
Resurrection Celebrations At Fort Caroline Baptist Church
Nearly 900 people worshipped with us last Easter. So this year we are making room for all the people who will worship with us by offering an additional service. The times of EACH worship service will be different than the usual schedule. Here is the schedule for Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011. Each service is an hour long, gives a fifteen minute transition, and concludes before noon.
1.Classic Worship: 8:08 to 9:08 (No child-care available)
2.Blended/Contemporary Worship: 9:23 to 10:23 (child-care available, Early LifeGroups/Worship/Children's LifeGroups)
3.Blended/Contemporary Worship: 10:38 to 11:38 (child-care available, Late LifeGroups/worship/Children's LifeGroups)
I am beginning a new sermon series on Easter. The title of the series is, "Where Is God?" We all face times in our lives when God feels a million miles away. This is certainly true during the trials and tragedies of life. The good news is God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. In this series we will discover how to live by faith in the God who is always with us. This week's message from Psalm 22 is, "Where is God when I feel forsaken?" Please begin now inviting your friends and neighbors to join you on Easter at FCBC! Please remember to reserve the guest parking for first-time guests. Park as far from the buildings as possible in order to give the best parking to our guests and others who need to park close by. Warmly welcome people you meet. Sit up close in the worship center and make room for others. Most of all, worship God and expect Him to do great things!