It is my prayer that every LifeGroup leader at Fort Caroline Baptist Church will join me on March 25th as Josh Hunt comes to share with us his love and desire for small groups. He will share how to make disciples with those in your LifeGroup. The meal and seminar will begin at 5:45 p.m. through 8:30 p.m. If you only want to attend the seminar, it will start at 6:30 p.m. Make your reservation on the Communication Card in your bulletin on Sunday. You may also make your reservations on the sign-up sheet in your LifeGroup rolls or email Kirsten Montenari. This Sunday, March 20th, is the last day to register for this class. Let's have 100% of our leadership in attendance! Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission to Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World!
What Will We Learn?
Howard Hendricks said, "The goal is not to make smarter sinners; the goal is to make disciples." Teachers are not dispensers of information, they are shapers of lives. The reason many of our churches are not thriving has nothing to do with an efffective program for growth. It has everything to do with how we make disciples. Disciplemaking Teachers has two parts:
Discover what needs to happen before class in preparation, in class during teaching, and after class in service to turn your classes into disciple-making classes. You'll explore disciple-making topics such as discipline in daily life, building intimate friendships, self-image, corporate worship, lay ministry, and more! Josh Hunt is the author of You Can Double Your Class in Two Years or Less and speaks nationally on the subjects of church growth and adult education. |