- It allows people more time to focus on the key truth of a passage. People are able to hear a sermon on the passage and dig deeper into the truths presented in the Life Group.
- It increases the likelihood of practical application.The Bible was not given just for our information, but our transformation. We have truly encountered God's Word when we apply it to our lives. Yesterday’s message, for example, was on encouraging one another. At the close of the sermon I gave a few ways we can do that. In the Life Groups, however, the application became personal. Group members asked, “Who can we encourage in our group?” “Who can we call this week to tell them that we are praying for them?” “Is there a family in our group that needs a meal during a time of grief or illness?”
- It helps the Life Group leader better prepare for the lesson. The discussion guides, the background material on the passage, and the sermon are great tools for the leader to use as he or she interacts with the group and the Scriptures. John also interacts with the leaders via a weekly e-mail that gives helpful suggestions on leading the group discussion, applicable illustrations, and deeper insights into the background passage.
- It creates a chance to meditate on the Word of God. Some of our groups meet before the worship service. They discuss the topic as a group and then come to worship prepared to hear the music and the sermon in a whole new light. (We also align the music with the teaching theme.) Other groups meet after the worship experience. They leave the worship service inspired and prepared to discuss the things God spoke to them about in the service.
- It generates excitement and accountability. I am finding that our people are talking to their friends about what they are learning in worship and small group time. They are passing on to their friends the sermon notes and the class notes. They are inviting people to join them on Sundays for the study. They are holding each other accountable for being present for their group and worship time.
These are just a few of the benefits of aligning the sermon with the small group study. What do you enjoy about it?