I am still excited about the blessings of the Lord we received in God’s house yesterday. The Holy Spirit was all over this place in a special way. The Life Groups were enthused about the “Imagine” campaign, the choir and orchestra were on fire in the worship services, and I felt a freedom from the Lord to preach my heart out! The altars were full in the second service as people were spending time with the Lord. God even added a great family to our church family! And what can I say about last night’s Lord’s Supper service? I believe we could have been there for many more hours as people shared their testimonies of God’s grace.
Here are some things we can do to keep the fires of revival burning in our hearts and church:
1. Continue to spend time with God in the Word and in prayer.
Use the weekly readings and the daily devotionals in your book, “Imagine… the fully devoted life.” (If you need a book, see your Life Group leader or call the church office.) EVERYONE who is doing this tells me about how the Lord is really speaking to them. Don't let the Devil steal the blessings God has for you by neglecting this element of the study.
2. Pray for your Life Group leader and your pastor.
Ask God to bless us as we prepare to lead you each week. Ask for God to deliver us from the attacks of the enemy.
3. Invite others to join you in your Life Group.
What God is doing in our lives is too good to keep to ourselves. Please invite your friends and neighbors to your Life Group. I hope you will also use the group roll to identify people who used to attend but have not been involved lately. It may take a phone call from you with a warm invitation to motivate them to come back to church.
4. Join a Life Group if you are not already involved in one.
The heartbeat of this church and this campaign is to minister and encourage people through small groups. It is not too late to join a group for the remaining weeks of the campaign. Try it out. I know you will love it! Ask an usher or a Welcome Center greeter to show you to a group.