Everyone needs a good study Bible. A study Bible provides helpful background information on the biblical book you are studying such as the author, the original audience, the original language, the historical setting, the purpose of the book, the date and theme(s) of the book, an outline of the book, and a concordance.
A study Bible will also have helpful notes throughout the text that provide insight into the passage. These notes are like having a commentary and a Bible in one book. Remember, the notes were not an original part of the Bible. They represent someone's interpretation of the Scriptures. They should not replace your own personal study of the Scriptures. However, if you purchase a good study Bible that has a high-view of Scripture as the holy, inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God you will find the notes helpful in your personal study.
You will want to choose a study Bible that is easy to read, yet is true to the original languages.
Here are a few good study Bibles from which to choose.
Do you already own a favorite study Bible? Let me know which one you use and why.
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