Please make plans to be in your LifeGroup and a worship service this Sunday, August 2 as we kick off our church-wide spiritual growth campaign called, "Imagine...the fully devoted life." This campaign promises to be the most enriching time in the history of our church. We will discover practical ways we can each grow in our devotion to the Lord. I don't know of a single person who does not need this focused time of spiritual growth.
Don't forget that the first LifeGroup and worship time will begin fifteen minutes earlier at 9:00 a.m.The second service and LifeGroups will begin at the normal time of 10:30 a.m. Please help me get the word out about the time change by calling or e-mailing your friends!
Pick up your book on Sunday in your LifeGroup or see Pastor John.
On a personal note, please pray for me as I prepare for the first message. Ask God to help me clearly communicate the truths he wants us to learn. Ask Him to give me renewed passion and zeal. Ask God to work mightily in all of our lives. Ask God to deliver us from the evil one who wants to distract us from focusing on our relationship with the Lord.
Throughout this campaign I want you to share with me some things God is doing in your life. E-mail me your testimonies of the things you are learning and the ways you are seeking to grow closer to the Lord. I would like to share some of these with our church family if possible. See my previous post about the campaign below for more information.
God bless and I'll see you Sunday!