Dr. Ron Rowe is the Director of the Jacksonville Baptist Association. He recently wrote an article in our associational newsletter that resonated with me. I asked for his permission to reprint the article here and he graciously agreed. As you read it, be reminded that our church has a great partner in the JBA in reaching our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every week that you contribute financially to our church we send a percentage of your gifts through the JBA to reach Jacksonville with the Gospel.
Quite often I get a call or e-mail that goes like this: "We've just moved to this area and we're looking for a good church. Can you recommend one? And, by the way we want a church with a dynamic preacher. We're used to being well-fed. Also, we want a top-tier music program, a vibrant youth ministry, etc., etc."
Now I know, people are rightfully concerned about the church family they join. But, I often have the feeling, it's more about a consumerist mindset that has driven our culture into crisis, including the followers of Jesus. For some, the more pressing criterion is, "Who can best meet my needs? Who can best serve me?" Again, a pervasive consumerist mindset.
We see this at many levels of church and denominational life. Some time ago, a church inquired about joining Jacksonville Baptist Association. And, between the lines in the conversation I heard, "What can you do for us? Will we get our money's worth?" And, it sounded so much like those calls from newcomers about recommending a "good" local church. I told that church about our many ministries and opportunities for training, fellowship, etc. But I ended by saying, "It allows your church to minister beyond its walls. The major 'benefit' is-it will provide your church with a means to faithfully carry out all of Acts 1:8; ...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." With Jesus, it was more than having my needs met (consumerist mindset)-it was about giving and serving and ministering.