Akin, Daniel L. Discovering the Biblical Jesus. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 2003.
Daniel L. Akin has written a study book designed to aid the reader in grasping the biblical portrait of Jesus’ identity and mission. Though limited to six chapters, Akin has nonetheless produced a wide-ranging overview of the doctrine of the Person and work of Christ. The author’s work is scholarly, biblical, and practical. It is a welcome resource for those wanting to discover the true Jesus as revealed in the Scriptures.
Berg, Laurna L. (2004, July-September). The illegalities of Jesus’ religious and civil trials. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161, 330-42.
Berg demonstrates that Jesus’ three religious trials and three civil trials were a miscarriage of justice. He discusses the evidence for the breaches in jurisprudence while concluding that the sovereignty of God overruled mankind’s handling of Jesus thus accomplishing the perfect will of God. Berg is correct in his conclusion that the providential hand of God in providing Jesus as the propitiation for the sins of the world can be clearly seen in the trials of Jesus. Readers will be encouraged as they remember that God makes all things work together for good to those who love Him and who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). This is certainly true of Jesus.
Blomberg, Craig L. Jesus and the Gospels. Nashville. Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1997.
Blomberg has produced a comprehensive overview of the Gospels and the life of Christ. He has written primarily with theology students in mind, but laymen will also benefit from his systematic treatment of the historical background of the Gospels, the critical methods for studying the Gospels, a brief overview of each Gospel, a survey of the life of Christ, and a historical and theological synthesis. The author is clearly evangelical and holds a high view of Scripture. He includes helpful bibliographies and review questions at the end of each chapter. This book is a masterful tool for anyone who wishes to see the biblical Jesus more clearly.
Dever, Mark (2006, May 5). Nothing but the blood. Christianity Today, 50, 28-33.
The author clearly defends the centrality of the atoning death of Christ in Scripture and in Christianity. Dever refutes the notion that the concept of the atonement is outdated. He warns believers not to abandon the biblical concept of the atonement for modern notions of morality and legalism. This article is a clarion call to glory in the cross of Jesus Christ.
Evans, Anthony T. Who is this King of Glory? Experiencing the Fullness of Christ’s Work in our Lives. Chicago: Moody Press, 1999.
Tony Evans provides a biblical and devotional look at the Person and work of Jesus Christ. He discusses the uniqueness of Christ, the authority of Christ, and the believer’s pursuit of Christ in life. This work merges orthodoxy with exhortations to obedient living.