The “Becoming a Man of Valor” conference with Bob Reccord was the most enjoyable, challenging, inspiring, and motivating experience for men I have ever been a part of. Bob has a unique way of speaking into the lives of men that is biblical, relevant, and engaging. Our men are still talking about how God worked in their hearts and homes through this conference. In fact, 100% of our men who attended have agreed to form small groups that meet at various times during the next six weeks to hold each other accountable for becoming a man of valor! One of the men told me last night that he has been to many Promise Keepers conferences, but that the Man of Valor conference was the best! Another man’s wife came up to me on Sunday night and said, “My husband has not stopped talking about the conference since he came home Saturday afternoon!” Our church will never be the same because Bob came our way. We look forward to partnering with him again in the future. I also appreciate Pastor Joe Newton and Arlington Baptist Church for hosting this event. They did a great job! Let's rise up, men, and be heroes at home and warriors in the world!