If a Muslim were to ask you why you believe in the Bible and Jesus instead of the Koran and Mohammed, how would you respond?
I would respond that the Koran refers to Jews and Christians as “people of the Book.” Thus, the Koran acknowledges that as a Christian I have received revealed Scriptures from God. Moses, David, and Jesus are of the five principle prophets that Islam acknowledges. According to Islam Moses gave the Torah, David gave the Psalms, and Jesus gave the Gospels. On this much we agree. However, is the claim by Islam that these sacred texts have been corrupted over time by the Jews and Christians a valid one? Is it true that the Christian Scriptures are subject to and need clarification by the Koran? When the Koran speaks favorably of the Bible, Muslims see it as referring to the ancient Scriptures, not the modern “corrupt” ones. I think it could also be argued that most Muslims are ignorant of the teachings of the Bible. They have never investigated the Bible for themselves.
A wise approach to witnessing to a Muslim, therefore, would include a demonstration that the integrity of the Scriptures has been preserved through the centuries and can been proved by a wealth of evidence. For example, the New Testament Scriptures are the best-attested writings of antiquity. It has been estimated that over five thousand manuscripts containing at least a fragment of the New Testament have been cataloged by scholars. The Scriptures have not been corrupted. Other evidence could be cited as examples of the trustworthiness of the Bible.
It should be noted, however, that belief in the Koran is deeply embedded in Islamic traditions. A simple and quick argument as outlined above will not typically convince a Muslim to embrace the Gospel. It must also be noted that a major obstacle to witnessing to Muslims is their view of Jesus. They see Him as a great prophet, teacher, and healer. However, they do not believe that He is God, nor do they believe in the Trinity. The divinity of Christ is a major stumbling point for them. It would be wise to show them the testimony of Christ from the Koran and then move to the Scriptural revelation of Him.
Witnessing efforts to Muslims requires a commitment to build relationships of love, trust, and respect. Believers should be willing to make the commitment to reach out to Muslims. If we are convinced of the trustworthiness of the Bible and of the power of the Gospel then we ought to witness to our Muslim neighbors as God gives opportunity.
For more information on witnessing to Muslims click here.