Praise God from whom all blessings flow! In 2008 the members of Fort Caroline Baptist Church gave $148,028.10 to our mission causes. This is a record amount for our congregation. This includes 10% of undesignated receipts given through the Cooperative Program, plus our Jacksonville Baptist Association support, Arlington Community Services, Benevolence ministries, our Brazil Church Plant Partnership, Lottie Moon offering, Annie Armstrong offering, Baptist Children's Home offering, AWANA Adopt-A-Club, and the Maguire State Missions offering. You have demonstrated once again that Christian stewardship is not just a matter of finances; it is a matter of faith. You placed your faith in the Lord and you gave to His Kingdom's work. In total, you gave $1,027,839.33 to God's work in and through Fort Caroline Baptist Church! Thank you.
We cannot rest on our laurels, however. This new year promises to be a challenging year for our nation financially. I know that many of you are feeling the effects of the economic downturn. The answer to our problem is not in ignoring God or putting Him last in our lives. So let each of us resolve to make His Kingdom the priority as reflected in our giving. After all, the world still needs Jesus! Thank you for your partnership in sharing His Gospel around the world.