Over 100 of our church members made early commitments to our building campaign last night! They made 36-month giving commitments over and above their regular giving. They also committed to bring a cash offering for the building fund on November 9 as their "First Fruits." Their faith and generosity is an example to all of our members. Some of the people who made commitments last night are going through tough times economically, but they willingly committed themselves to the Lord's work here. Perhaps you wonder how you can be a part of the Imagine a Place... campaign when finances are tight. First, let me commend you for your heart’s desire to give. It reminds me of the poor widow Jesus honored for her faith in giving in Mark 12:41-44
"Jesus sat near the Temple Offering Box and watched the people put in their money. Many rich people gave large sums of money. Then a poor widow came and put in two copper pennies. Jesus said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow gave more than all those rich people together! They gave only what they did not need. This woman is very poor, but she gave all she had; she gave all she had to live on."
From this moving example of sacrifice, Jesus taught 3 important truths:
o Your attitude is more important than your amount in giving.
o It is always possible to give something IF we really trust God.
o God measures our faith by comparing what we’ve given with what we have left over after we’ve given.
This is why our theme is “Equal sacrifice, not equal gifts” As you pray about what a genuine "sacrifice" will mean to you, I urge you to read the Bible story of the miracle that happened when a single parent gave away what little she had (1 Kings 17:8-16). God took care of her the rest of her life. And God is still doing miracles today inthe lives of those who dare to trust him!
Imagine a Place... Commitment Sunday and First Fruits Offering is coming November 9 in both morning services! Be a part of the miracle!